Facilities Maintenance Industry

Belzona products maintain the many areas of facilities such as floors, walls, roofs, and HVAC.

Belzona provides an essential service to those responsible for the maintenance of industrial facilities. This can range from the roofs, floors, and walls structures to the equipment within, including pipes, pumps, shafts, and heat exchangers, ensuring maintenance personnel have the tools to solve any potential issues. Belzona’s wide range of materials are specifically designed to provide long-term erosion and corrosion protection along with outstanding chemical resistance. These cold-curing solutions eliminate the dangers of repairs involving hot work, extend asset life, minimize downtime, and often remove the need for equipment replacement.


Floors will often experience lots of activity from personnel or vehicles which overtime wear down the floor. Also, chemical attacks will also corrode floors, damaging its integrity and potentially leading to safety and environmental hazards. Lastly, a lack of grip systems does not offer personnel any safety as people can slip and fall.


Belzona 10002000 , 4000, and 5000 Series paste- and fluid-grade materials for floor slip resistance, safety markings, concrete restoration and levelling, expansion joints repairs, and new floor installation.


Roof integrity can often be jeopardized by various factors such as substrate movement during warm and cold cycles, physical damage, rain, and adverse weather conditions. As a result, the roof’s waterproofing capabilities are decreased, and leaking can occur.


Belzona 3000 Series Polymeric Membranes are formulated for the repair and protection of all types of roof and insulation problem areas. Their outstanding waterproofing and weatherproofing properties, together with their excellent flexibility and high adhesion, ensure the roof will remain protected for the long term.


The walls of facilities deteriorate over time due to vibration, aging, or impact from machinery. Otherwise, they can be damaged by harsh chemicals that are found nearby. Additionally, exterior walls are subjected to moisture and harsh weather conditions which damage the surface.


Worn and damaged concrete surfaces can be repaired using lightweight materials such as Belzona 4141 (Magma-Build), which will reduce downtime and avoid the need for expensive structural rebuild of facilities. Additionally, water repellent coatings such as Belzona 5122 (Magma-Build) offer brick, stone or concrete walls, long-term protection from moisture ingress.


Corrosion is typically the major issue for facilities maintenance crews to maintain the integrity of HVAC systems. Neglected HVAC systems can lead to environmental and safety hazards and high replacement costs.


Belzona 1000200030004000 and 5000 Series paste- and fluid-grade materials for the metal re-building, concrete restoration and erosion-corrosion protection of HVAC machinery and equipment.


Cavitation and corrosion caused by the flow of acidic or alkali chemicals will eventually lead to a pipe to leak. In addition, flanges and gaskets will also be affected by any harsh chemicals and deteriorate over time also leading to leaks.


Belzona SuperWrap II is an essential tool to repair pipework. It is an alternative to replacing defective metallic substrates, whilst providing superior strength, corrosion, and chemical resistance. The system allows quick and easy repair of equipment. Moreover, the Belzona 1000 and 3400 Series can be used to repair and encapsulate corroded and damaged pipework.


Common problems for elevator systems are corrosion from moisture and aging. Also, physical impact, heavy foot traffic, and movement from everyday use by people and equipment.


Belzona 100020004000 and 5000 Series paste- and fluid-grade for metal rebuilding, leak sealing, concrete damage restoration, corrosion, floor, and elevator pit protection.


Typical concerns are mostly corrosion problems related to elevated pressure and temperature on boilers, steam turbines, heat exchangers, pipework, and generators.


Belzona 1000 and 5000 Series paste- and fluid-grade materials for metal rebuild and erosion-corrosion protection on solar panels, transformers, generators. Also, Belzona 61111 fluid-grade material for the cathodic protection of assets subjected to corrosion under insulation.


Corrosion is the biggest problem wastewater management faces. Water, chemicals, and other aqueous solutions corrode or erode the concrete or metal surfaces that are in contact.


Belzona offers a wide range of epoxy-based repair composites and coatings to repair and protect waste treatment facilities and equipment from common problems occurring in the industry such as erosion, corrosion, chemical attack, mechanical damage, and leaks.


The cost of replacement can often be highly prohibitive when concrete and stonework in walls, floors, equipment bases, and other structures become deteriorated by erosion, corrosion, chemical attack, or physical damage. Also, using the same material to resurface the damaged area leaves it susceptible to similar damage reoccurring.


Belzona 4000 Series concrete repair materials not only repair the existing damage but also protect the substrate against future attack, providing a long-term solution. Belzona’s materials adhere strongly to the existing concrete and cure in a matter of hours.

Belzona products maintain the many areas of facilities such as floors, walls, roofs, and HVAC.


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