Metal Repair / Rebuilding Compounds

Belzona solutions for the repair and rebuilding of metal surfaces and components.

Belzona Products / Metal Repair / Rebuilding Compounds

Product List

Belzona 1111

A 2-part epoxy paste for metal repair and resurfacing based on solvent-free epoxy resin reinforced with silicon

Belzona 1121

A 2-part epoxy paste with extended working life for metal repair.

Belzona 1131

A self-lubricating 2-part epoxy paste for the creation of low friction surfaces and protection of lubrication systems

Belzona 1161

An underwater epoxy paste for application to wet and oil contaminated metal surfaces.

Belzona 1212

Surface-tolerant underwater epoxy paste for the emergency in-situ metal repair of oil contaminated, wet, and underwater substrates.

Belzona 1221

A fast-curing metal repair composite for high-speed emergency repairs.

Belzona 1311

A ceramic-filled 2-part epoxy paste for metal repair and erosion and corrosion protection.

Belzona 1511

Heat-resistant epoxy repair composite for rebuilding equipment damaged by erosion and corrosion.

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